Guidelines for Facility Use
- The Avedis Meeting Room and small Conference Room are available for use by local not for profit and governmental organizations, without charge, except as specified herein. Use of the facilities is a service to the community. Organizations desiring to use the facilities must contact Avedis to check on availability.
- Use of the facilities will be scheduled at the convenience and discretion of Avedis. Use of the Avedis facility is limited to those organizations and activities that serve the greater good and align with the mission and goals of Avedis. Use of the Avedis facility is typically available from 8:00 am to 5:00pm, Monday through Friday. Requests for outside these limitations will only be granted at the discretion of Avedis, as this requires additional staffing hours to accommodate. Avedis reserves the right to refuse access to any group or groups.
- All Avedis Foundation grounds and building are tobacco and drug free. Use of tobacco in any form, electronic cigarettes, medical marijuana, vaping or similar activities is prohibited.
- Possession of any weapon on Avedis property is prohibited, except for law enforcement officers while engaged in their official duties or sanctioned activities.
- Alcoholic beverages may only be served or provided with prior express written permission, and only in strict compliance with all applicable laws. Organizations desiring to serve alcoholic beverages shall be required to provide copies of any applicable or required state and local permits and licenses.
- Any requested audio/visual requirements must be discussed in advance to insure availability and compatibility.
- Depending upon the size and nature of the proposed activity, Avedis may require damage and cleaning deposits, or require paid security for the event. Furnishings may be moved or arranged as necessary for the event, but must be returned to their prior location at the conclusion of the event. No decorations, inside or outside the facility are allowed without prior written permission of Avedis.
- Avedis does not cater events, provide utensils, housewares, beverages, paper products, napkins and any other similar items. Organizations desiring to use a caterer must have advance written permission from Avedis.
- Please discuss any special needs with the Office Manager prior to the event date.
- Events are restricted for the use of adults and children 14-years of age and older.